Compatibility Test Of Lotion Squeeze Tubes

In a broad sense, the compatibility of the lotion squeeze tubes material refers to the interaction between the cosmetic tube and the contents, including chemical compatibility, physical compatibility, and biological compatibility.

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1. Chemical incompatibility

Chemical incompatibility simply means that the chemical components in the cosmetic tube packaging material have a chemical reaction with some components in the content, which is manifested as a change in the appearance of the cosmetic tube packaging material or content, and a change in odor.


 2. Physical incompatibility

Physical incompatibility refers to the physical changes caused by the interaction between the cosmetic soft tube and the contents, such as cracking, dissolution, adsorption, penetration, etc.


3. Bioincompatibility

Bio-incompatibility refers to the migration of certain substances in the lotion squeeze tubes packaging of cosmetics into the chemical products. For this judgment, the dissolution amount of harmful substances is directly used as the basis for judgment. And this is the strict rules in the Huaru product hygiene standard.

Compatibility test method for cosmetic packaging products

In general, the corresponding contents are put into the cosmetic tube and placed in a constant temperature and humidity box at 40°C and 75%RH for 4 weeks. The product shall not have any abnormality such as discoloration (including printed content), ink/hot stamping layer/electroplating layer/spray layer falling off, melting, etc. In other special cases, special tests are organized.



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